Plants Gallery

Lachesis Mutus
Known: Surukuku or churukuku; Deadly bushmaster.

Plumbum metallicum
Known : English: Lead; French: Plomb; German: Blei

Ledum palustre : Known: Eng: Wild Rosemary, Marsh cistus; French: Rosmarin Sauvage; Ger: Wilder Rosmarin.

Lycopodium clavatum
Known: Hindi: Bendarli; Eng: Club moss; French: Soufre vegetal; Ger:


Cannabis indica
Known: Hin.: Bhang; Eng.: Hemp; French.: Chanvre; Ger.: Hanf.

Nux vomica
Known: Hindi: Kuchla; Eng: Poison nut; French: Noix vomiques; Ger: Krahenaugen.

Avena sativa
Known: Hindi: Jey; Eng: Oat; French: Farine d' Avoine; Ger: Hafermehl.

Passiflora incarnata
Known : English : Maypop; German : Passionblume.

Passiflora incarnata
Known : English : Maypop; German : Passionblume

Plantago major
Known : Hindi : Lahuriya; English : Greater plantain; French : Grand plantain; German :

Grosser Wegerich

Plumbum metallicum : ‐ Known : English: Lead; French: Plomb; German: Blei.

Podophyllum peltatum : ‐ Known: English: May‐apple; French: Podophyllum; German: Fussbiatwurzel.

Pulsatilla pratensis : ‐ Known : English: Wind flower; French; Pulsatille; German : Kuchenschelle.

Raphanus sativus : ‐ Known : Hindi : Vilaiti muli: English : Garden radish : French : Rave; German : Garton

Ruta graveolens : ‐ Known : Hindi : Sabad, Satap; English : Bitter herb, French : Rue de jardins; German :Garten raute.

Sabadilla : ‐ Known : English : Cevadilla seeds ; French : Sebadille; German : Sabadilla saemen.

Sanguinaria canadensis : ‐ Known : English: Blood root; French : Sanguinaire du Canada; German:Blutwurzel.

Sanguinaria canadensis : ‐ Known : English: Blood root; French : Sanguinaire du Canada; German:Blutwurzel.

Anacardium orientale : ‐ Known: Hin: Bhilawa; Eng: Marking‐nut; French: Acajou a' pommes; Ger:Caschunuss.

Sepia officinalis : ‐ Known : English : Inky juice of the cuttle‐fish.

Argentum metallicum : ‐ Known: Eng: Silver; French: Argent; Ger: Silber.

Sulphur : ‐ Known : English : Sulphur: French : Fleurs de soufre; German : Schwefel‐bluemen.

Sulphur : ‐ Known : English : Sulphur: French : Fleurs de soufre; German : Schwefel‐bluemen.

Thuja occidentalis : ‐ Known : English : American arbor‐vitae; French : Thuja du Canada; German:Lebensbaum.

Tinospora cordifolia : ‐ Known : Hindi: Gilo.

Tribulus terrestris : ‐ Known : Hindi: Gokhru

Urtica urens : ‐ Known : English : Dwarf nettle; French : Ortie grieche; German : Brennessel.

Urtica dioica

Uva ursi : ‐ Known : English: Bearberry; French: Arbousier; German: Barentraube.

Vaccinium myrtillus : ‐ Known : English: Blue berry.

Valeriana officinalis : ‐ Known : Hindi: Billilotan: English: Valerian: French: Valeriane Sauvage: German:Baldrian wurzel.

Veratrum album : ‐ Known : English: White hellebore; French: Veratre blanc; German: Weibe Nieswurz.

Verbascum thapsus
: ‐ Known : Hindi: Gidar Tomaku; English: Common Mullein; French: Boullonblanc;
German: Konigskerze.

Viburnum opulus : ‐ Known : English: Cranberry tree bush; French: Ecorce d' Obier; German: Schneebal.

Vinca minor : ‐ Known : English : Lesser periwinkle; French : Pervenche; German : Kleines Sinngrun.

Viola tricolor : ‐ Known : English: Pansy; French: Fleur de la Trinite; German: Ackeveitchen.Vipera

Viscum album : ‐ Known : Hindi: Banda; English: Mistletoe; French: Guide Chene; German: MIstel

Withania somnifera : ‐ Known : Hindi: Ashwagandha.

Eriodictyon californicum : ‐ Known: Eng: Yerba santa.

Eriodictyon californicum : ‐ Known: Eng: Yerba santa.


Zincum metallicum : ‐ Known : English: Zinc; French: Zinc; German: Zink.

Zingiber officinale : ‐ Known : Hindi : Adrak; English : Ginger; French : Gingembra; German : Ginfer,Ingberzahne.
Coca : ‐ Known: Eng: Bolivian coca.

Capsicum annuum : ‐ Known: Hin.: Lal Mirch; Eng.: Chilli; French: Poivred Inde; Ger: Spanisher Pleffer.

Aceticum acidum : ‐ Known: Eng: Glacial acetic acid; French : Acide acetique; Ger: Essigsaure.

Millefolium : ‐ Known: Hindi: Gandane; Eng: Yarrow; French: Herbe au charpentier; Ger: Schafgarbe.

Aconitum napellus Hin.: Mithazaher; Eng: Helmet flower; Aconite, Friar cap, Monk'shood, Wolf's bane; French: Aconit; Ger: Eisehut, Sturmhat.

Actea racemosa

Actaea spicata : ‐ Known: Eng: Black snake‐root; French: Raisin de'Loup christophe; Ger: Christophswarz.

Aesculus hippocastanum : ‐ Known: Hindi: Pu; Eng: Horse chestnut; French: Marronier d'Inde; Ger:Gemeine Kastanie

Aethusa cynapium : ‐ Known: Eng: Fool's parsley, Dog poison, Garden Hemlock; Ger: Garten Schierling.

Agaricus muscarius

Agnus castus : ‐ Known: Eng: Chaste tree; French: Gattilier Commun; Ger: Keusch‐lamm.

Allium cepa : ‐ Known: Hin.: Piyaz; Eng: Onion; French: Oignon; Ger: Zwiebel.

Aloe socotrina : ‐ Known: Hin.: Ghi Kanvar, Ghikumari; Eng: Aloe; French: Aloes; Ger: Aloe.

Alumina : ‐ Known: Eng: Aluminium hydroxide; French: Hydrate d'alumina; Ger: Thonerdehydrate.

Anacardium occidentale : ‐ Known: Hin.: Kaju; Eng: Cashew Nut.

Apocynum cannabinum : ‐ Known: Eng. Indian Hemp; French: Chanre du canad; German; Canadischeandische Hanfwurzel.

Arnica montana
Known: Eng: Celtic nard, Leopard's bane, Mountain Arnica, Mountain tobacco;
French: Arnique; Ger: Arnika, Wohlverleth.

Abrotanum : ‐ Known: Eng: Southernwood, Lady's love; French: Auroma de‐sjerdins; Ger: Eberrante.

Absinthium : ‐ Known: Hindi: Vilayatiafsantin; Eng: Wormwood; French: Absinthe grande; Ger: Wermut.

Arum triphyllum
Known: Eng: Bog onion, Canada turnip, Dragon's root, Dragon's turnip, Indian turnip;
French: Gouet a trois feuilles; Ger: Dreiblattriger acon.

Crocus sativus : ‐ Known: Hindi: Kesar, Zafran; Eng: Saffron; Ger: and French: Safran, Cultive.

Baptisia tinctoria : ‐ Known: Eng: Wild indigo; French: Indigo sauvage; Ger: Baptisie.

Bellis perennis : ‐ Known: Eng: English Daisy; French: La paquerette; Ger: Maslieben.

Bryonia alba : ‐ Known: Eng: Black berried bryony; French: Couleurvee; Ger: Zaunrube.

Cactus grandiflorus : ‐ Known: French: Ciege a' grandes fleurs; Ger: Konigin der Nacht.

Cannabis indica : ‐ Known: Hin.: Bhang; Eng.: Hemp; French.: Chanvre; Ger.: Hanf.Cannabis sativa : ‐ Known:

Cimicifuga racemosa : ‐ Known: Eng: Black snake‐root; French: Racine d'actee a'grappes; Ger:Schwarze Schlangenwurzel.

China officinalis / CINCHONA OFFICINALIS ‐ Known: Hindi: Kunain Ka Pair: Eng: Peruvian bark; French:Quinquina; Ger: Chinarinde

Coca : ‐ Known: Eng: Bolivian coca.

Coffea cruda : ‐ Known: Eng: Coffee; French: Cafe; Ger: Kaffee.

Colocynthis : ‐ Known: Hindi: Mahendravaruni; Eng: Bitter gourd; French: Coloquinte; Ger: Koloquinten.

Conium maculatum : ‐ Known: Hindi: Kurdumana; Eng: Poison Hemlock; French: Cigue; Ger: Schierling.

Conium maculatum : ‐ Known: Hindi: Kurdumana; Eng: Poison Hemlock; French: Cigue; Ger: Schierling.

Crocus sativus : ‐ Known: Hindi: Kesar, Zafran; Eng: Saffron; Ger: and French: Safran, Cultive.

Cuprum aceticum : ‐ Known: Eng.: Cupric acetate; French: Acetate de cuivre; Ger.: Kupferacetat.

Digitalis purpurea : ‐ Known: Eng: Common Foxglove; French: Gant de Notre Dame; Ger: Fingerhut.
                                                    ESCHSCOLTZIA CALIFORNICA

                                                             FILIPENDULA ULMARIA
                                                                  ULMUS FULVA
                                                                  Solanum nigrum
                                                               Pimpinella anisum
                                                                AMMI VISNAGA
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