Viola Tricolor


The Pansy was proved by Hahnemann and his provers. It had an ancient reputation in asthma and epilepsy, and especially in obstinate skin diseases. Teste quotes from old observers (Starck, Haase, Murray, &c.) the following as cured by Viola tri.: 

(1) Milk-crust in children at the breast, [or] recently weaned. 
(2) Milk-crust with violent cough and excessive oppression. 
(3) Impetigo of hairy scalp and face in children and adult females. 
(4) Favus and serpiginous crusts in children and adults, with swelling and induration of cervical glands.
(5) Large boils all over body in a scrofulous child. 
(6) Pustules and ichorous exanthema of feet.
(7) Squamous spots on skin. 
(8) Rheumatism and gout; articular rheumatism with itch-like eruption round the joints. 
(9) Impetigenous exanthema on forehead. 
(10) Ichorous ulcers with violent itching. In Russia a decoction of Pansy is a popular remedy for scrofula; and Schlegel, of Moscow, used it with good effect in syphilitic affections, especially venereal ulcers. Teste (from whom I take all the above) puts Viola tri. in two groups, whose types are Lyc. and Cham. Homœopathy has brought out some characteristics of Viola tri. which single out its cases. One of these is concomitance of urinary symptoms with skin affections: Tinea capitis with frequent involuntary urination. Eczema with urinary disturbances; too copious urination; or sudden arrest of secretion. "Urine smelling like cat's urine" is a keynote. The male sexual organs were much excited. Emissions with vivid dreams occurred; swelling, itching, and pains in prepuce and glans, with erections. Peculiar Symptoms are: Face hot and sweating after eating. Dyspnœa after eating. Hands twitch and are clenched in sleep. Nervous paroxysms followed suppressed milk-crust. The axillæ and clavicular regions were noticeably affected; and stitches and burning stitches were prevailing pains. The symptoms are: < By pressure on side opposite to painful side. < Lying on unpainful side. Lying = anxiety about heart. Raising head =, and stooping >, heaviness in head. Walking = vertigo; stitches through chest and abdomen. Sitting = stitches in abdomen and groin (standing > them). < At 11 a.m.; at night. Open air > headache; = chilliness. Aversion to open air. < In winter when walking in cold air.

- Clarke J.H., A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica
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