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Homoeopathic Medicines for sleep related disorders..
Coffea Cruda |
- Coca - Useful in a variety of complaints incidental to mountain climbing, such as palpitation, dyspnoea, anxiety and insomnia.
- Coffea cruda- Sleepless, wide-awake condition; impossible to close the eyes; physical excitement through mental exultation. Sleepless, on account mental activity; flow of ideas, with nervous excitability.
- Kali Bromatum - Restlessness and sleeplessness due to worry and grief, loss of property or reputation, from business embarrassments.
- Kali Phosphoricum- Sleeplessness after worry, excitement, business troubles, and from nervous causes generally. Sleeplessness : from excessive mental exertion; after worry over business troubles; from nervous exhaustion; simple painless wakefulness.
- Passiflora Incarnata - Insomnia of infants and the aged, and the mentally worried, and overworked, with tendency to convulsions.
Some More Medicines..
- Absinthium - It corresponds to nervousness, excitement, and sleeplessness in children.
- Acidum Flouricum - Sleeplessness without inclination to sleep; a short sleep suffices and refreshes him.
- Aconitum napellus - Insomnia of the aged. Sleeplessness from anxiety, with constant agitation and tossing.
- Ammonium carbonicum- Sleeplessness, and sleep delayed, esp. after going late to bed. Sleeplessness till 4 a.m., and when falling asleep, perspiration.
- Ammonium muriaticum- Sleeplessness after midnight, from cutting pain in the abdomen, at two a.m. ; or from sneezing; pain in small of back.
- Anacardium orientale- Spells of sleeplessness lasting for several nights.
- Arnica montana - Sleepless and restless when overtired.
- Arsenicum album - Sleeplessness, from anguish and restlessness, with tossing about (after midnight).
- Borax - Sleepiness during the day, and sleeplessness at night.
- Cactus grandiflorus- Sleepless on account of pulsation in different parts of body.
- Cadmium sulphuratum - Protracted sleeplessness.
- Camphora - Insomnia, with cold limbs.
- Cannabis indica - Obstinate and intractable forms of insomnia.
- Capsicum annuum - Homesickness, with sleeplessness and disposition to suicide.
- Causticum - Nocturnal sleeplessness, with dry heat, inquietude.
- China - Protracted sleeplessness.
- Chinum arsenicosum - Sleeplessness due to nervous causes.
- Cimicifuga racemosa - Obstinate insomnia. Sleepless, cannot rest, must change position, jerking of limbs.
- Cinnabaris - Sleepiness in the daytime and sleeplessness at night; unconquerable desire to sleep after dinner, early in the evening (during the day). Nightly sleeplessness, without causing fatigue.
- Colocynth - Sleeplessness following a fit of indigestion.Very wakeful and sleepless.
- Daphne indica - Complete sleeplessness, caused, sometimes, by aching in the bones.
- Ferrium Phosphoricum - Insomnia from hyperaemic conditions.
- Gelsemium - Insomnia from exhaustion; from uncontrollable thinking; tobacco. Sleepless from nervous irritation.
- Hepar sulph - Sleeplessness, caused by a great flow of ideas.
- Hyoscyamus Niger - Retarded sleep, or sleeplessness caused by excessive nervous excitement, or by great anguish, sometimes with convulsions and starts.
- Ignatia amara - Insomnia from grief, cares, with itching of arms and violent yawning.
- Lachesis - Drowsiness and sleeplessness alternately every two days. Sleeplessness, chiefly before midnight, with excessive nervous excitement.
- Ledum palustre - Nocturnal sleeplessness, with restless tossing, jerking, fantastic visions and images on closing eyes.
- Mag phosphoricum - Insomnia from exhaustion or lack of brain nutrition. Insomnia from nervousness and emotions.
- Myrica cerifera - Persistent sleeplessness.
- Natrum muriaticum- Sleepless from grief. Insomnia, with unusual general animation.With sleeplessness, gloomy forebodings, exhaustion after talking, embarrassment of the brain.
- Opium - Sleepy, but cannot sleep, sleeplessness with acuteness of hearing, clock striking and cocks crowing at a great distance keep her awake.
- Phosphorus - Sleeplessness in old people.
- Plantago major - Depression and insomnia of chronic Nicotinism. Insomnia from abdominal trouble.
- Plumbum met - Nocturnal sleeplessness, with abdominal spasms.
- Psorinum- Sleepless from intolerable itching, or frightful dreams of robbers, danger, etc.
- Pulsatilla - Sleepless : for an hour 4 a.m. ; for several hours; from over-eating.
- Raphanus sativa- Sexual insomnia.
- Sanicula- High fever every night with sleeplessness.
- Secale cornatum - Insomnia with restlessness, fever, anxious dreams. Insomnia of drug and liquor habitudes.
- Selenium- Sleepless until midnight, awakens early and always same hour.
- Senecio aureus - Nervousness and sleeplessness.
- Silicea- Sleeplessness, with great orgasm of blood and heat in head.
- Tabacum - Insomnia with dilated heart, with cold, clammy skin and anxiety.
- Thea Chinensis- Nervous sleeplessness, heart troubles, palpitation, and dyspepsia of old tea-drinkers. Sleepless and restless.
- Thuja- Persistent insomnia.
- Yohimbinum - Sleepless. Thoughts of events of whole past life keep him awake.
Passiflora Incarnata |
Gelsemium |
- Allen H.C, Keynotes and characteristics with comparisons of some of the leading remdies [i.e. remedies] of the materia medica with bowel nosodes
- Boericke W., Homoeopathic Materia Medica
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