CoronaVirus and The Dirty Secret of the Lockdown
Eupatorium Perfoliatum
Known as "Bone-set", from the prompt manner in which it relieves pain in limbs and muscles that accompanies some forms of febrile disease, like malaria and influenza. Eupatorium acts principally upon the gastro-hepatic organs and bronchial mucous membrane. It is a boon in miasmatic districts, along rivers, marshes, etc, and in all conditions where there is a great deal of bone-pain. Cachexia from old chronic, bilious intermittents. Worn-out constitutions from inebriety. Sluggishness of all organs and functions. Bone-pains, general and severe. Soreness. Marked periodicity (Ars; China; Cedron).
- Boericke W., Homoeopathic Materia Medica
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